
“Spot on the Light”
Applications of High Content Screening Approaches in Early Drug Discovery

Webinar Summary:

Imaging-based screening is an emerging wide-angle approach that allows information on the effect of bioactive compounds on biological pathways within complex physiological systems (including hiPSC) and relevant disease models, to be obtained.

During this webinar we will show you how Axxam uses its high content platform to track multiple phenotypes and pathways at the cellular and sub-cellular levels in miniaturized high-throughput formats. This journey will encompass morphological and microscopical cellular analysis, as well as the use of innovative smart assays, keeping a focus on relevant human diseases.

High content screening; imaging; cell painting; neurite outgrowth; autophagy; aggregation; biomolecular condensates; primary cells; iPSC derived cells; iPS derived motor neurons, glutaminergic neurons and dopaminergic neurons; fibrosis; DNA damage; mitochondrial analysis; mitophagy; subcellular localization and translocation; RNAi; drug discovery.

Stefan Lohmer
, CEO, Axxam S.p.A.
Fernanda RicciUnit Manager, High Content Screening, Axxam S.p.A.

Stefan Lohmer is Axxam’s co-founder and Chief Executive Officer. Prior to founding Axxam, he was head of the assay development unit at the Bayer Research Centre in Milan and the Head of Genomics worldwide for Bayer AG. He was responsible for generating and managing Bayer’s external genomic alliances with Millennium and Lion Bioscience. Stefan Lohmer joined Bayer in 1992. He holds a degree in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from the University of Cologne and completed his PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding in Cologne.

Fernanda Ricci is Manager of the High Content Screening Unit at Axxam and has over ten years of experience in the field of screening technologies for drug discovery, with focused expertise in imaging and phenotypic cell-based assays. She holds a PhD in Molecular Biophysics. During her postdoctoral research, she succeeded in developing several phenotypic assays based both on gene editing (siRNA technologies) and/or small molecule screening approaches. Fernanda has 12 peer-reviewed publications and 3 patents. She also has an image analysis pipeline published on the CellProfiler website and was winner of the Grand Prize of 2016 JALA & JBS Art of Science Contest.

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